Understanding and Embracing Pain

06feb(feb 6)14:0007(feb 7)19:00Understanding and Embracing PainLGBTQIA+ & FRIENDSEvent OverVirtual Event14:00 - 19:00 (7) FacilitatorCaritiaCategoryspiritual,art


6 (Saturday) 14:00 - 7 (Sunday) 19:00





Event Details

Spaces in which we can explore our bodies (and our emotions) are often loaded with unwanted societal projections, harming behaviours or are places lacking in boundaries. Let’s take the opportunity to explore the ever-changing sensation of pain from the safety of our own homes (or place in which we feel safe(r).

This 2-day-workshop allows for lots of time and space to deeply explore your fasciniations, fears, misconception, projections, hopes, and desires around the topic of feeling and playin with pain.

Caritia will deconstruct, research, embody and enjoy lots of time with you and the other participants so you can not only understand this sensation better but also embrace it in all its multi-faceted beauty.


Event Details

Date & Time:  February 6th – 7th, 2021 2pm-7pm

Format: workshop & discussion (virtual)


Language: English

Minimum Knowledge Level: N/A

What to Bring:  You will need to be in space you feel safe(r) in, warm and cosiness encouraged, as well as some space to be able to move (pushing furniture to the side will be enough). You will need to have items around to support your exploration – examples forks, spoons, rope, floggers, paddle, candle etc.

Solo or Partnered:  both (each participant needs a ticket)

Class recording: no


What we will teach/do

The intention is go into our bodies and explore what each of us finds pleasure, challenging, nourishing and opening.  The pace will be slow and meditative, with a lot of self enquiry and note taking encouraged. Your ability / disability is encouraged, as Caritia will offer alternative possibilities within the exercises.

Day 1 will be preparation and small investigation exercises with Day 2 being the time and the space to dive deep for the first day’s preparations.

What our bodies need, crave and indulge in can be honored and experienced in so many different ways. Here is an offer to  geek out on sensation and breakdown some of the stigmas around what our physical forms.


• Consent & boundaries

• Methods to ground and arrive into the physical

• Animal expression

• Finding your movement

• Layers of Touch

• Allowing for fear – opening to curiosity

• Exploring the myths held around sensation/pain

• Spectrum of Sensations

• Supported space to explore

• Questions and Feedback


What else to know

After your successful ticket purchase, you will be sent an email with the Zoom login data for this event.

If you cannot afford this event, please check the ticket option “solidarity” for reduced ticket prices. If that is still too much or they are out of stock, feel free to send us a message via info@karada-house.de



About Caritia: lives as an LGBTQAI+, gender-fluid, BiPoC (assigned female at birth) individual. Walking a path with invisible disabilities and the living challenges which accompany that life. Educator, creative and ongoing work in process, whose advocacy for establishing boundaries is as strong as the desire to love with truth and honesty. On a quiet mission to destigmatise difference and return power to each individual. Using the language of kink to the point of geeky excitement. Caritia’s fascination with the root/the body stems from a longing too deeply ‘listen’ to (her) body holistically, from the inside out.

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