Unfuck Your Fucks

22may19:0021:30Unfuck Your FucksEvent OverVirtual Event19:00 - 21:30 FacilitatorCaritiaCategoryspiritual,ritual


(Saturday) 19:00 - 21:30



Event Details

Desire is slippery energy and on top of that, so many people got something to say about YOUR sexuality and what it has to look like, who it has to look like. Really?!? Fuck that!

Let’s take some time and space to break down where our collective feelings of shame and constructed framing of desire originate. Caritia invites participants to dig in, get real and stop giving all the fucks to outdated, out-moded framing around desire/desirability. This will be part critical inquiry & part active workshop.


Event Details

Date & Time:  May 22, 2021, 7-9.30pm CET (Berlin time)

Format: workshop & discussion (virtual)


Language: English

Minimum Knowledge Level: N/A

What to Bring: –

Solo or Partnered:  both (each participant needs a ticket)

Class recording: yes, participants will not be recorded.


What we will teach/do

•  Meditation

• Expectations & Intentions

• Deconstructing desire

•Let’s fuck some ‘norms’

• Cleaning the slate

•Breaking up

• Feedback and questions


What else to know

After your successful ticket purchase, you will be sent an email with the Zoom login data for this event.

If you cannot afford this event, please check the ticket option “solidarity” for reduced ticket prices. If that is still too much or they are out of stock, feel free to send us a message via info@karada-house.de



About Caritia: lives as an LGBTQAI+, gender-fluid, BiPoC (assigned female at birth) individual. Walking a path with invisible disabilities and the living challenges which accompany that life. Educator, creative and ongoing work in process, whose advocacy for establishing boundaries is as strong as the desire to love with truth and honesty. On a quiet mission to destigmatise difference and return power to each individual. Using the language of kink to the point of geeky excitement. Caritia’s fascination with the root/the body stems from a longing too deeply ‘listen’ to (her) body holistically, from the inside out.

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