Discovering Your Erotic Core

17oct12:0018:00Discovering Your Erotic CoreLGBTQIA+ & WOMÊNEvent OverMoved OnlineVirtual Event12:00 - 18:00 FacilitatorCaritiaCategorykink,spiritual


(Saturday) 12:00 - 18:00



Event Details

Do you know what turns you on? And do you know why?

The sparking of juiciness in our lives comes from mysterious places or so it somehow seems. We invite you to dive deeper into what makes you tick and lights your fire. Let’s bring into question what sits (stands or lies) at the base of your lust and passion. 

The aim of this workshop is to support participants gain an understanding of themselves around eros/passion and to offer playful hints, exercises and questions to allow further exploration outside of the workshop container.  We are working from a curious, no-shame, no blame mindset,


Event Details

Date & Time:  October 17, 2020, 12pm-6pm (please arrive around 10min before the class)

Format: workshop/exploration

Audience:  LGBTQIA+ & WOMÊN

Language: English

Minimum Knowledge Level: none

What to Bring: towel(s), an object that represents eros for you, an object that represents cleansing for you, art supplies if you have them, headphones, a working mobile / way to play music for yourself with a 30 minutes playlist that is in tune with your erotic self, supportive items that will help you do this work


What we will teach/do

Opening meditation 

What is eros to you?

• Why is it important to explore your own erotic self? 

• How do you get to your erotic core? 

• Embodiment and movement as a way to connect to your desire 

• Rituals for discovery

• Feedback and close 


What else to know

This event falls under our Covid-19 guidelines.

If you cannot afford this event, please check the ticket option “solidarity” for reduced ticket prices. If that is still too much or they are out of stock, feel free to send us a message via



About Caritia: lives as an LGBTQAI+, gender-fluid, BiPoC (assigned female at birth) individual. Walking a path with invisible disabilities and the living challenges which accompany that life. Educator, creative and ongoing work in process, whose advocacy for establishing boundaries is as strong as the desire to love with truth and honesty. On a quiet mission to destigmatise difference and return power to each individual. Using the language of kink to the point of geeky excitement. Caritia’s fascination with the root/the body stems from a longing too deeply ‘listen’ to (her) body holistically, from the inside out.

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