Trauma Basics for Spaceholder and Facilitators

20apr(apr 20)11:0021(apr 21)18:00Trauma Basics for Spaceholder and FacilitatorsLGBTQIA+ & FriendsEvent OverIn-House Event11:00 - 18:00 (21) FacilitatorAnna Hoffmann (she/her)Categorymeta

Health Guidelines for this Event

Event Area Sanitized


20 (Saturday) 11:00 - 21 (Sunday) 18:00



Event Details


Choosing to offer seminars or healing modalities of whatever kind, teaching, or simply „holding space“ is demanding. Integrity, humility, clarity around boundaries, stepping into personal power that is not overpowering…

The focus of this two-day workshop is finding a trauma-informed balance between reflecting on leadership roles in group settings and how to be of service when dynamics are difficult.

To me, it is crucial to look at both with a „trauma lens“ that is taking the body and nervous system into account. Too many practitioners, workshop leaders, and self-proclaimed healers act from a position of imagined superiority in denial of their own wounds and trauma responses. And even though most of us want to be on the „good“ side, we all are in danger of misusing power.

The first day is about the basics of what „trauma-informed or trauma-sensitive “ actually means. On that basis, we will discuss, practice around, experiment with, and support each other through what is in the way of being that space holder each of us wants to be. Once we all have identified an obstacle we will work with simple techniques to get out of trauma response and into more embodied integrity and being able to be curious and play. Examples of obstacles are lived experiences of oppression and violence that lead to hypervigilance and perfectionism. Or shame and guilt around privilege. Or that one time you really messed up in a leadership role.

On the second day, we will apply those same simple techniques we have practiced already while focusing on how to be with a group or an individual when they are in their trauma response. Anger, always being the clown, shame, dissociation, fawning (trying to please the person who seems to be in power), freeze just to name a few. Many different ways of responding will be offered and discussed as well as: How can we look after ourselves while caring for others? What is effective? What is the magic of seeing the other person as competent and wise in their trauma response? How to negotiate what the group needs versus what one individual needs? What is the role of community?

This workshop is specifically for people who are in teaching, facilitation and/or space-holding positions with individuals or groups.


Event Details

Date & Time:  April 20 & 21,  2024, 11 am-6 pm

Format: workshop


Language: English

Minimum Knowledge Level: you have knowledge and work in any position of teaching, facilitating and/or holding space for individuals/gro

What to Bring:  pen and paper, comfortable clothes, lunch

Solo or Partnered:  All constellations welcome

Price: 120 Euros per person



We can offer accommodation in the workshop space for 10 Euros per night and person. Please email us via if you are interested.


Safety Concept & Regulation

Please consult our safety concept and regulations for this event here.


Accessibility Note

The workshop is held in spoken English.. The space, KARA, is on the ground floor but has three steps to enter the house. A ramp for wheelchairs is available at all times. There is also a parking space available right in front of the door if needed. KARA has an accessible bathroom available. There are no thresholds in the entire house. The garden is only partially accessible at the moment. During the workshop, we will sit on the floor. Sitting in a chair can also be provided. Adaptations for physical needs will be shown and can also be provided upon request. If you participate in this workshop and need more assistance please message us at beforehand.


Who is this event for?

LGBTQIA+ describes the full spectrum of non-mainstream sexual orientation and/or gender identity, meaning: lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, non-binary, genderqueer/fluid, queer, intersex, asexual, aromantic, agender.

Friends describes people of any and all kinds of gender and sexual identities who are aware and respectful of the necessity, needs, and boundaries of a queer safe(r) space and its marginalized community.

When you consider yourself a friend you show acknowledgement to and are respectful of everyone’s self-expression and do not assume, presume or project non-consensual ideas onto others. You actively request and use people’s chosen pronouns. You remain mindful of the fact that Karada House is first and foremost a space for queer people that you are also invited to attend. You have a genuine concern for the well-being of LGBTQIA+ people and remain in awareness of heterosexual and gender straight privileges.

Friends don’t have to be perfect. None of us are. We request that we all pro-actively work and strive to be good friends and allies to marginalized people.


What else to know

Before purchasing a solidarity ticket, please check here if you are eligible for one.



Anna Hoffmann (she/her)

Anna Hoffmann (she/her) lives near the Havel river and loves pottery, digging in the garden and cats. She works as an art, gestalt and trauma therapist (HP Psych, SEP) and as an ancestral medicine practioner. She believes trauma is always connected to collective trauma / systems levels injustice / violence and knows from her own experience that healing needs community. A few of her identity puzzle pieces are queer, femme, cis, white, one parent middle class, one parent working class, artist, former sex work activist, carpenter. She will be fifty this year.

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