Stillness - A Semenawa Masterclass with Yada Kinbaku

21sep10:0019:00Stillness - A Semenawa Masterclass with Yada KinbakuLGBTQIA+ & FriendsIn-House Event10:00 - 19:00 FacilitatorYada Kaewburee (she/her)Categoryshibari



Event Details


Stillness – A Semenawa Masterclass is all about Yada’s approach to semenawa which draws richly from the the quiet within that precedes the possibilities of letting go, letting loose, allowing for release. Yada’s minimalist approach is all about mastering the balance between the chaos of day-to-day life and the stillness of the mind when entering a deep introversion. Yada will show gentle and forceful approaches, starting on the floor and going into suspension while also sharing her personal philosophy which is deeply influenced by East to South East Asian ideas of body, mind, love and suffering.



Yada Keawburee aka. Yada Kinbaku is a student of female Japanese kinbakushi Yoi Yoshida, a shibari artist and sex educator from Bangkok, Thailand.

Yada has been exploring Japanese rope bondage since 2015, learning from her teacher Yoi Yoshida who is also known as “the mother of Kinbaku” in Japan. Yada’s style is an adaptation of Yoshida’s rope work which adapts to the individual needs of the person she is tying. Central to Yada Kinbaku’s philosophy is the belief that Kinbaku is a deeply communicative art form. For her, the ropes are a means of exploring and expressing complex emotions and vulnerabilities in relationships. She views each tying session as a collaborative journey, where the interaction between the person tying and the person being tied is paramount. In each session, Yada strives to find and allow for the expression of deep fears, emotions, and desires.


Event Details

Date & Time:  September 21st, 2024, 10 am – 7 pm (with lunch break in between)

Format: Workshop

Audience:  LGBTQIA+ & Friends

Language: English

Minimum Knowledge Level: both person tying and being tied must be able to tie common patterns for suspension, have good knowledge about uplines and how to be in suspension for some time. Both must be able to communicate boundaries well with each other and have knowledge about safety and risks.

What to Bring: comfortable clothing, 8-12 ropes

Solo or Partnered: partnered, ticket price is per pair


Safety Concept & Regulation

Please consult our safety concept and regulations for this event here.


Accessibility Note

The workshop is held in spoken English. The space, KARA, is on the ground floor but has three steps to enter the house. A ramp for wheelchairs is available at all times. There is also a parking space available right in front of the door if needed. KARA has an accessible bathroom available. There are no thresholds in the entire house. The garden is only partially accessible at the moment. During the workshop, we will sit on the floor. Sitting in a chair can also be provided. Adaptations for physical needs will be shown and can also be provided upon request. If you participate in this workshop and need more assistance please message us at beforehand.


What else to know

Accommodation at the space is available. Paying in installments is also possible. Please email us if you are interested in any of these options:


Who is this event for?

LGBTQIA+ describes the full spectrum of non-mainstream sexual orientation and/or gender identity, meaning: lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, non-binary, genderqueer/fluid, queer, intersex, asexual, aromantic, agender.

Friends describes people of any and all kinds of gender and sexual identities who are aware and respectful of the necessity, needs, and boundaries of a queer safe(r) space and its marginalized community.

When you consider yourself a friend you show acknowledgement to and are respectful of everyone’s self-expression and do not assume, presume or project non-consensual ideas onto others. You actively request and use people’s chosen pronouns. You remain mindful of the fact that Karada House is first and foremost a space for queer people that you are also invited to attend. You have a genuine concern for the well-being of LGBTQIA+ people and remain in awareness of heterosexual and gender straight privileges.

Friends don’t have to be perfect. None of us are. We request that we all pro-actively work and strive to be good friends and allies to marginalized people.


What else to know

Before purchasing a solidarity ticket, please check here if you are eligible for one.


Yada Kaewburee (she/her)

Yada Kaewburee (yada.kinbaku) A Student of Yoi Yoshida. Shibari Artist & Kink Education based in Bangkok, Thailand. “ I believe rope bondage is not just tying someone up but it's also a way to communicate with the person that I tie through rope without saying any words and yet be able to move that person heart. “ Yada is also activist/political artist who are currently oppressed under the military government And as a women born and raised in the male-dominated patriarchal country. Yada uses her sexuality and rope bondage often in her political movements In order to assure that women’s voices will be heard and to demand rights and freedom for women in Thailand, especially those who are marginalized or underprivileged.

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Price 175,00 €

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Total Price 175,00 €

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