Resilient Space Holding

27feb(feb 27)19:0019mar(mar 19)21:00Resilient Space HoldingLGBTQIA+ Event OverVirtual Event(February 27) 19:00 - (March 19) 21:00 FacilitatorSophia Rose (she/her)Ceridwen Buckmaster (she/they)Categorymeta


February 27 (Tuesday) 19:00 - March 19 (Tuesday) 21:00







Event Details

This workshop series is for people who hold sex-positive spaces and wish to learn more in-depth how to ground in awareness of power, intersectionality, consent, conflict transformation, and trauma-informed approaches. Many of us have come to hold space for sex-positive activities more or less by accident. We quickly realize that the intersections we hold are complicated and multi-faceted. We will support you in holding space for others by teaching you these skills, plus self-empathy and self-resourcing.

Note: This workshop series is also part of a larger training program, consisting of this workshop series and our upcoming in-person training for space holders and teachers that will take place in June 2024. You can book “Resilient Space Holding” as a stand-alone teaching if you do not wish to participate in the in-person training. 


There are 2 ways to participate in this training:

Live sessions + self-learning video

The series consists of 4×2 hours of live Zoom sessions which are not recorded. The number of participants for the live sessions is very limited and you will have to apply via this form.

After the live sessions, we will send you a self-learning video available for the rest of the year. This video enables you to go through the topics again, at your own pace, and go more in-depth.

Price per person: 125-175 Euros sliding scale


Self-Learning Video:

We are offering this option to space holders who cannot join live, afford the live classes, or did not get a spot in them. The video is a summary and instruction video that will guide you through the leading topics and questions of this training so you can work at your own pace to answer them and gain more knowledge. You can purchase this option right now and will be sent the video shortly after the live classes have ended.

Price per person: 40-60 Euros sliding scale (if you can still not afford this offering, please email us and we will find a way.) Purchase the self-learning option here.


Event Details for the Live Sessions

Date & Time:  February 27th, March 5th, 12th & 19th 2024, 7 pm – 9 pm CET (Berlin time)

Format: workshop (virtual)

Audience:  LGBTQIA+

Language: English

Knowledge level:

What to bring: questions, pen & paper, curiosity

Solo or partnered: all constellations welcome, everyone needs to buy a ticket

Class recording: no


What will be covered:

– Increase your facilitation skills
– Receive support for dealing with what comes up in a group
– How do you respond to people dominating the space?
– How do you respond to people triggered or ‘having a meltdown’ in the space?
– How to understand your role as a placeholder and what you need to be aware of.
– How to manage your own boundaries (What might you share? What might you not share?)
– What are your motivations for spaceholding?
– How do you receive and flow with feedback?
– How to let go of people-pleasing? How to heal from overly taking care of people?
– How to support participants to be aware of their expectations entering a workshop/event/festival space
– Understand the sweet spot of vulnerable expression as a placeholder


What else to know

After your successful ticket purchase, you will be sent an email with the Zoom login data for this event.

If you cannot afford this event, please check the ticket option “solidarity” for reduced ticket prices. If that is still too much or they are out of stock, feel free to send us a message via


Accessibility Note

The workshop and discussion are held in spoken English with automated captions in English which are provided by Zoom. Communication within the class can be had via chat but also people can come on mic and speak. If you participate in this workshop and need more assistance, i.e. someone reading out the chat, etc, please message us at beforehand.


Who is this event for?

LGBTQIA+ describes the full spectrum of non-mainstream sexual orientation and/or gender identity, meaning: lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, non-binary, genderqueer/fluid, queer, intersex, asexual, aromantic, agender.


Sophia Rose (she/her)

Sophia is a London based educator whose interest and passion lies in what’s beneath the surface. She is curious about physical practices as tools for creative expression, to explore and move through the forever developing relationship between our bodies and minds.

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Ceridwen Buckmaster (she/they)

My name is Ceridwen …. Ceri for short. I am a white, English/British creative conflict practitioner working with transformative/restorative justice and community building. I encourage organisations and networks to develop containers, agreements, power awareness, resources, skills and the mindset needed to support everyone involved when conflict happens so we are less likely to repeat punitive patterns and more likely to heal and transform. I am informed by a variety of liberatory influences (feminist, queer, decolonising and anti-racist approaches, transformative justice). I am a Certified trainer in Nonviolent Communication and a Contemporary Interfaith minister.(OSIF) I have 8 years experience in mediation and system building for conflict. I have worked in large scale organisations, smaller, progressive organisations and startups, as well as activist movements. I have 10 years experience navigating sex-positive spaces and have deep appreciation for the liberatory moves that Kink/power-aware sexual practices bring.

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Buy your ticket

Tickets are not available for sale any more for this event!

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