Ranboo Style Series

04oct(oct 4)19:0018(oct 18)22:00Ranboo Style SeriesLGBTQIA+ & FRIENDSEvent OverVirtual Event19:00 - 22:00 (18) FacilitatorBarkas & AddieCategoryshibari,Ranboo Series


4 (Wednesday) 19:00 - 18 (Wednesday) 22:00





Event Details

Ranboo, literally translated means stormy, overwhelming, wild.

About 10 years ago, Barkas developed Ranboo as a way of rejecting a static and often seemingly boring practice of rope bondage. A wild dance while tying with each other is the result.
Ranboo is characterized by a large amplitude of variation of distance, speed, and intensity, paired with an element of surprise. It is not a set of patterns or a “visual goal” but a way of interacting
with your partner(s) through rope, a specific interview type, if you want.

In this 3-parts workshop series, Barkas and Addie will accompany the participants through the principles, applications, and variations of Ranboo, while keeping a strong focus on safety.

Disclaimer: The highly dynamic nature of ranboo comes with the potential of greater risk for injuries. We strongly recommend participants watch the series in order and only

practice exercises from the latter parts if they are proficient in the basic techniques.


Part I Introduction (October 4, 2023, 7-10 pm CET)

In the introduction, we will get to know the key terms of ranboo and get familiar with movement and techniques to safely tie in this style.


Part II Next Level (October 11, 2023, 7-10 pm CET)

We increase the pace and variation of distance and apply the principles learned in Part I to some standard patterns.


Part III Floor & Air (October 18, 2023, 7-10 pm CET)

Ranboo on the floor is challenging due to various aspects. In this part, we use these challenges to further familiarize participants with the concepts developed in the previous parts but on the floor. Some challenges of ranboo that appear on the floor are similar when we go into suspensions. Other challenges are added. We go through a suspension and see how ranboo affects the way we can tie in the air.


Event Details

Date & Time: October 4, 11, and 18, 2023, 7-10 pm CET (Berlin time)

Format: workshop & discussion (virtual)


Language: English, translation into German can be provided

Minimum Knowledge Level: Active participants, i.e. those who would like to tie along or try the exercises immediately, should be able to tie a single/double column tie and have some knowledge about different frictions, as well as suspension experiences for that corresponding part. None of that is a threshold for participation in general and participants of all levels are welcome.
We strongly recommend not to tie along when you are not proficient in the underlying rope techniques.

What to Bring:  ropes (the techniques covered work well for natural fiber rope, and synthetic will behave differently. This series is not suited to tying with synthetic rope), a partner, suspension point if you want to tie along in Part III

Solo or Partnered:  both (each participant needs a ticket)

Class recording: Yes. The recording will be made available after the live class for 14 days.



What else to know

After your successful ticket purchase, you will be sent an email with the Zoom login data for this event.

If you cannot afford this event, please check the ticket option “solidarity” for reduced ticket prices. If that is still too much or they are out of stock, feel free to send us a message via info@karada-house.de


Barkas & Addie

Barkas and Addie are Vancouver-based rope educators who teach and perform world-wide. Their style is characterized by a focus on the process, interaction, and emotion of a rope scene. Together they run TheSpace2, Vancouver’s first dedicated rope space. Barkas is a bondage artist and writer. They have developed the “Interview Metaphor” as a way of understanding rope bondage and placing focus on the person in ropes, “Ranboo” which is a highly dynamic and stormy way of doing and thinking Kinbaku, as well as the “City of Kinbaku”, a poetics of Kinbaku. Addie is a switch and self-suspension enthusiast. She organizes regular workshops on dynamic self-suspension and versatile education both, for beginners and technically advanced. When co- teaching she focuses on bottoming information and discourse.

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