11sep(sep 11)10:0015(sep 15)22:00QUEEROPE BERLIN 2024LGBTQIA+ & WOMÊN10:00 - 22:00 (15) FacilitatorKarada HouseCategoryshibari


11 (Wednesday) 10:00 - 15 (Sunday) 22:00



Event Details


This years conference is already sold out. Follow this link if you want to join our waiting list:  Waiting List


QUEEROPE BERLIN 2024 is a 5-day in-person conference for mostly shibari/kinbaku/Japanese-inspired bondage that is exclusively for LGBTQIA+ people and womên.

We welcome all roles (rigger/tops, model/bottoms, switches, etc.), all knowledge levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced), and all styles to this gathering that aims to bring practitioners who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community or as womên together to celebrate their love for rope and exchange knowledge and experiences. After our first in-person edition last year, we listened to your feedback, improved the concept, and reduced the number of participants to provide an even better learning environment.


line-up (not finalized, there might be more facilitators added soon):

Barkas & Emmy (Canada)

Ceci Ferox (Finland/Germany)

Bänana & Sixtine (France)

KissmedeadlyDoll & Bethany (USA)

Sophia Rose (UK)

René de Sans (Germany)

Yada Kinbaku (Thailand)


Event Details

Date & Time:  September 11-15, 2024, all-day

Format: Conference

Audience:  LGBTQIA+ & Womên

Language: English

Minimum Knowledge Level: people tying must have at least a solid basic knowledge (single-column tie, double-column tie, tension, frictions, basic knots, safety and anatomy)

What to Bring:  yourself, items you need for your pleasure and convenience, ropes and safety equipment

Solo or Partnered:  all constellations welcome, come alone, bring partner(s), best friends, groups…

Price: 300 Euros per person for the entire fest (excludes food/accommodation).

We can accommodate paying in installments but the full price must be paid before the event begins. If you need this option, please email us via info@karada-house.de


More Details:

-5-day fest, 37 facilitated spaces/workshops, spaces to do skillshares, lab, or just hang out

-multiple rooms, space for introverts and people with neurodivergence to retreat, kitchen, bathrooms, a garden, Berlin at the end of summer

-LGBTQIA+ people & womên, only

-highly skilled facilitators will guide you, share knowledge, and hold space for you

-we take it slow, there is lots of space to just chill, hang out, tie for fun

-we have limited space for people to sleep over for a small extra fee

-we offer breakfast, lunch, and snacks all day for a small extra fee

-free water, tea, ice for everyone, lots of spaces to buy food, we also have a kitchen

-we aim to make the space accessible for all kinds of bodies, the house is wheelchair accessible for the most part, if you need other accommodation, please let us know and we will make it happen


Mandatory Covid-19 rules

We strongly encourage the wearing of FFP-2 masks but they are not mandatory.

It is obligatory to do a quick test every day before entering the conference space. We will provide these tests for you and have a dedicated area to do them in.

The indoor areas will be constantly aired and HEPA-14 filters will be running the entire time. We also have outdoor areas.

We will provide hand and surface disinfectant, please make ample use of it.

If you are sick or feel like you start to get ill, please do not come to the conference.


The space is on the ground floor in the backyard of another building. It has three steps to enter the building. There is also a ramp available. The door frames have been widened to all for access with wheelchairs. The space has no high thresholds. There is an accessible bathroom and shower available.

Many of the workshops will be on the floor on yoga mats but we also provide chairs and sofas for more comfortable seating. The chairs are sturdy and have no limiting armrests so they can be useful and comfortable for any body size.

We will provide one or more spaces to retreat to in case the conference becomes too overwhelming. A weighted blanket and noise-canceling headphones will be provided. The garden area will also be accessible at least in part (we are still building so this is not 100% clear yet).


Who is this event for?

LGBTQIA+ describes the full spectrum of non-mainstream sexual orientation and/or gender identity, meaning: lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, non-binary, genderqueer/fluid, queer, intersex, asexual, aromantic, and agender.

Womên describes people who are identifying themselves as female in their gender identity. People that fit this category can be part of the LGBTQIA+ spectrum or not. We created this category specifically to indicate that we also invite cisgender, heterosexual womên.

The word is our own creation and serves as a replacement for the word “womxn” which is now being (ab)used for transmisogynist statements. The ^ in womên represents a marker (similar to the “x” in womxn) that wishes to give emphasis to the fact that womênhood is an intersectional umbrella term that holds many different people and experiences and is not biologically predetermined.


What else to know

Before purchasing a solidarity ticket, please check here if you are eligible for one.


Karada House


Learn More

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Optional Ticket Additions

- 0 +

Price 300,00 €

ticket amount -1 +

Total Price 300,00 €

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