Leading To Be Tied - A Bottom-Centered Exploration

14sep14:0015:30Leading To Be Tied - A Bottom-Centered ExplorationGarden14:00 - 15:30 FacilitatorSophia Rose (she/her)Pauline MassimoCategoryQueerope 2023


(Thursday) 14:00 - 15:30

Event Details


Inspired by the “Better Bottoming Lab” full-day workshop organized in Barcelona by Espacionos – Pauline and Sophia offer this bottom-led session inviting you to explore more introspection to your experience being tied. Together we will discuss the value, possibilities, and influence bottoms have in a session – and work with some simple exercises to experiment with this in practice.

The session is focused for partnered tying – but also open for listeners and observers who wish to contribute solo.


Format: Hands-on workshop

Minimum knowledge level: This class suits any level as you will be tying on your level.

Maximum amount of participants: No. Passive watching is welcome.

What to bring: ropes

Constellations: partnered, groups

Accessibility: we will be sitting on the floor but other ways to sit more comfortably can be arranged


Sophia Rose (she/her)

Sophia is a London based educator whose interest and passion lies in what’s beneath the surface. She is curious about physical practices as tools for creative expression, to explore and move through the forever developing relationship between our bodies and minds.

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Pauline Massimo

Pauline Massimo (they/them) is an interdisciplinary artist and educator from Brazil based in Barcelona, Spain. With more than 11 years of professional experience in the art field from painting, dance, performance art, photography, and Shibari to event curator, space holder, educator, community building, and art director in those few past years. They have been to a vast number of workshops and have equally experienced as a rope model, rigging, and self-tying. Pauline is educated and interested in the broader range that Shibari can provide as a practice, like classic Japanese style as more contemporary mixed styles, they are mostly interested in the mental and physical challenge that this practicum can offer as much as the challenge of creating experiences that adapt for different tastes and capabilities.

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