Kink and Neurodivergence

20aug19:0021:30Kink and NeurodivergenceLGBTQIA+ & WOMÊNEvent OverVirtual Event19:00 - 21:30 FacilitatorCaritiaCategorykink,meta


(Sunday) 19:00 - 21:30





Event Details


Our intimate connections can be a mixture of complex, delightful messiness that each one can find a challenging prospect to walk through. Add to that the multiplicity of how each individual processes through your senses, minds, and emotions, the potential for misunderstanding is vast. When intimacy, touch, and desire are added to that already heady mix is it any wonder that things become confusing.

Why is it vital to speak and share ideas about neurodivergence/ neurominority people within the context of kink and intimacy in general? How can more supportive paths be found to support the curiosity of intimacy and connection?

In this open discussion and lab, Caritia aims to open up a personal and collective conversation about the topics of kink and neurodivergence, inviting participants to actively dialogue and share their experiences around this complex topic. And in doing so explore ways in which the nuance and messiness can be brought to bear as part of a utopia of sharing space with each other.

Note: This is an alive and ongoing process of learning, it is not intended to be a ‘fits in a box’ idea or concept.

Who is this for:

This workshop has been derived for a variety of folx: New folx to kink. Minimal experience folx. Highly experienced folx. Curious and interested in learning more about yourselves folx. People with neurodivergence and those without. Folx with partners/intimates/connections who are neuro & non-neuro who are interested in kink.


Event Details

Date & Time: August 20th, 2023, 7-9.30 pm CET (Berlin time)

Format: discussion & lab


Language: English

Minimum Knowledge Level: N/A

What to bring: Questions, stories, active suggestions, compassion, and an open heart

Everyone must purchase a ticket no matter your constellation

Class recording: Yes. The session will be recorded and available for 14 days after the workshop. The participants will not be recorded.


Concepts/offers for discussion

– meditation/intro

–  what is neurodivergence? broad-spectrum

– what to consider? intersectionality, boundaries, negotiation, and care

– language(s), perspective(s), intention(s)

– opening to differences and the space that needs

– formats will include self-reflection, small groups, big group

– gentle embodiment practice throughout the 2.5 hours (including a short break)

– open freeform space for free association (if it proves to be supportive of the group)

– Feedback and close


Accessibility Note

The workshop and discussion are held in spoken English with automated captions in English which are provided by Zoom. Communication within the class can be had via chat but also people can come on mic and speak. If you participate in this workshop and need more assistance, i.e. someone reading out the chat, etc, please message us at beforehand.


Who is this event for?

LGBTQIA+ describes the full spectrum of non-mainstream sexual orientation and/or gender identity, meaning: lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, non-binary, genderqueer/fluid, queer, intersex, asexual, aromantic, agender.

Friends describes people of any and all kinds of gender and sexual identities who are aware and respectful of the necessity, needs, and boundaries of a queer safe(r) space and its marginalized community.

When you consider yourself a friend you show acknowledgement to and are respectful of everyone’s self-expression and do not assume, presume or project non-consensual ideas onto others. You actively request and use people’s chosen pronouns. You remain mindful of the fact that Karada House is first and foremost a space for queer people that you are also invited to attend. You have a genuine concern for the well-being of LGBTQIA+ people and remain in awareness of heterosexual and gender straight privileges.

Friends don’t have to be perfect. None of us are. We request that we all pro-actively work and strive to be good friends and allies to marginalized people.

If you cannot afford the ticket price (even the solidarity price), please send us a message. We will find a way.



About Caritia: lives as an LGBTQAI+, gender-fluid, BiPoC (assigned female at birth) individual. Walking a path with invisible disabilities and the living challenges which accompany that life. Educator, creative and ongoing work in process, whose advocacy for establishing boundaries is as strong as the desire to love with truth and honesty. On a quiet mission to destigmatise difference and return power to each individual. Using the language of kink to the point of geeky excitement. Caritia’s fascination with the root/the body stems from a longing too deeply ‘listen’ to (her) body holistically, from the inside out.

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