Tech Dump Series with Addie - Hishi Harnesses are Forever

31may(may 31)19:0014jun(jun 14)22:00Tech Dump Series with Addie - Hishi Harnesses are ForeverLGBTQIA+ & FRIENDSEvent OverVirtual Event(May 31) 19:00 - (June 14) 22:00 FacilitatorAddie (she/her)Categoryshibari,tech dump full


May 31 (Wednesday) 19:00 - June 14 (Wednesday) 22:00





Event Details

We continue our Tech-Dump series with a deep dive into hishis. The diamond pattern is not only one of the staples of Japanese-inspired rope bondage but also one of the most versatile patterns. Addie will take a long and nerdy look at several hishi-based harnesses, including a hands-free option.

The series will include a full-body hishi harness, a split line hishi harness, and the infamous Nambu TK which is great for transitions and can be pulled from multiple points.

The details and mechanics of technical suspension are Addie’s specialty and passion. Over the past 6 years, she has amassed a wide, varied repertoire of suspension experience, with a heavy emphasis on tying different people with different preferences and adapting ties to people rather than the other way around. Pre-pandemic, she taught TheSpace’s Techie Tuesdays, a weekly series that focused on how and why ties work the way they do, helping participants to build a working, functional knowledge of tying for suspension.


Tech Dump Part I: Intro to Hishis and first patterns (May 31st, 2023,  7-10 pm CET)

Tech Dump Part II: Diving deeper into more complex patterns & harnesses (June 14th, 2023, 7-10 pm CET) 


Event Details

Date & Time:  May 31st & June 14th, 2023, 7 pm-10 pm CET

Format: workshop (virtual)


Language: English

Minimum Knowledge Level: single column tie, double column tie & it is highly recommended that participants take the TK-ish Tech Dump before the Suspension Tech Dump(s) to ensure that we are all working from the same starting point.

There is no previous suspension experience required to participate, and each suspension will be shown with levels of difficulty to offer information, challenge, and accomplishment for participants with any level of previous experience. Throughout, there will be tips, tricks, and suggestions for those who are tied. There will also be time for tying practice, and many (though not all) elements can be modified for those who like to self-tie.

For those tying: No previous suspension knowledge is necessary, especially for the early sessions. Those who are new to TK-ish structures are also welcome to participate but should take the TK session first, and be willing to stick to the more basic versions/variations of ties. For the suspension classes, a good goal for tying participants is to be able to tie a suspension-worthy upper body tie smoothly, a non-collapsing single-column tie on the first try, and to open, move, and re-lock a suspension line without fumbling or cussing.

For those being tied: I recommend having some previous experience in rope so that those being tied have a frame of reference and can make more informed decisions. This does not have to include suspension experience. Likewise, there are no pre-requisites for flexibility, fitness, lack of injuries, etc; one of the goals of the series is to tie for the differences in how individuals work, to use that individuality to the best advantage. In Addie’s experience, the pairs who have the most success in workshops are generally those who can laugh together and who approach challenges as a team.

If you have any questions about those guidelines, please contact Addie (

What to Bring: ropes (the techniques covered work well for natural fiber rope, and synthetic will behave differently. This series is not suited to tying with synthetic rope), a partner, suspension point if you want to tie along

Solo or Partnered:  both (each participant needs a ticket)

Class recording: Yes. The recording will be made available after the live class for 14 days.


Accessibility Note

The workshop and discussion are held in spoken English with automated captions in English which are provided by Zoom. Communication within the class can be had via chat but also people can come on mic and speak. If you participate in this workshop and need more assistance, i.e. someone reading out the chat, etc, please message us at beforehand.


Who is this event for?

LGBTQIA+ describes the full spectrum of non-mainstream sexual orientation and/or gender identity, meaning: lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, non-binary, genderqueer/fluid, queer, intersex, asexual, aromantic, agender.

Friends describes people of any and all kinds of gender and sexual identities who are aware and respectful of the necessity, needs, and boundaries of a queer safe(r) space and its marginalized community.

When you consider yourself a friend you show acknowledgement to and are respectful of everyone’s self-expression and do not assume, presume or project non-consensual ideas onto others. You actively request and use people’s chosen pronouns. You remain mindful of the fact that Karada House is first and foremost a space for queer people that you are also invited to attend. You have a genuine concern for the well-being of LGBTQIA+ people and remain in awareness of heterosexual and gender straight privileges.

Friends don’t have to be perfect. None of us are. We request that we all pro-actively work and strive to be good friends and allies to marginalized people.

If you cannot afford the ticket price (even the solidarity price), please send us a message. We will find a way.


Addie (she/her)

Addie is a switch and self-suspension enthusiast. She organizes regular workshops on dynamic self-suspension and versatile education both, for beginners and technically advanced. When co- teaching she focuses on bottoming information and discourse.

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