Having Sex with Penises

15aug19:0021:30Having Sex with PenisesLGBTQIA+ & FRIENDSEvent OverVirtual Event19:00 - 21:30 FacilitatorCeci Ferox (they/them)Categoryhealth


(Tuesday) 19:00 - 21:30





Event Details

Previously, we have been getting familiar with vulvas. Now it’s time for penises and pleasure!

We will get nerdy about penises and explore their anatomy and origin. We will talk about expectations and scripts to overthrow penis myths. We will also find different techniques to give pleasure to penises and to get pleasure for yourself if you have one. We will also talk about pelvic floor muscles.

This workshop is meant for all penis owners and people interested in having sex with people with penises. We try to keep the conversation as safe as possible for trans and non-binary folks. We use gender-neutral language and anatomical terms. We ask participants to be conscious of the language they use in the workshop.


Event Details

Date & Time:  August 15th, 2023, 7-9.30 pm CEST (Berlin time)

Format: lecture and discussion (virtual)


Language: English

Minimum Knowledge Level: none

What to Bring: pen & paper

Solo or Partnered:  both (each participant needs a ticket)

Class recording: Yes. The recording is available to ticket holders for 14 days.


What we will teach

· Anatomy

· Busting myths

· Pleasure techniques

· Pelvic floor muscle information


What else to know

After your successful ticket purchase, you will be sent an email with the Zoom login data for this event.

If you cannot afford this event, please check the ticket option “solidarity” for reduced ticket prices. If that is still too much or they are out of stock, feel free to send us a message via info@karada-house.de


Ceci Ferox (they/them)

Ceci Ferox is a Berlin-based sex therapist, kink activist, and rope teacher originally from Finland. Safer spaces and empowerment through quality education are important for them.

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