Murasaki Haruan (she/her)

Murasaki met Yukimura Haruki in 2003, soon after her debut as a professional mistress, when he came to the club where she was working to teach kinbaku. Shortly after, she began assisting him on video shoots, which allowed her to continue learning his style of tying. When Yukimura Sensei started to offer formal instruction in Yukimura-ryu in 2006, she became one of his first students. She accompanied Yukimura’s overseas workshops as an assistant instructor in 2012 and 2014. In 2014, she became the first Japanese and first female certified instructor of Yukimura-ryu. After sudden pass of Yukimura Sensei in March, 2016, she began to accept a limited number of students with a genuine interest in learning Yukimura-ryu. Yukimura-ryu 10th licensed instructor(2014-) ex-professional Mistress(2002-2018) Overseas workshops and seminars ▼As an assistant to Yukimura Haruki sensei LA(2012) Sydney(2014) Melbourne(2014) ▼alone after the death of Yukimura sensei LA(2017) Shanghai(2018) Milan(2022) In Japan, mainly private lessons to high hobbyists and professional mistressees.

Events by this organizer


26oct(oct 26)11:0027(oct 27)18:00Murasaki Haruan - Foundations of Yukimura RyuLGBTQIA+ & FRIENDSIn-House Event11:00 - 18:00 (27) FacilitatorMurasaki Haruan (she/her)Categoryshibari

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