Covid-19 Regulations

Karada House understands itself as a safe(r) space and is dedicated to keeping our events as accessible and safe as possible.

Therefore the following rules will be in place until further notice:

  • Wearing an FFP2 mask is still highly recommended, but optional. If you forgot your mask, we can provide you with one.
  • The indoor areas will be constantly aired and two HEPA-14 filters will be running the entire time. We also have outdoor areas that are open during warmer days when it is not raining.
  • We will provide hand and surface disinfectant, please make ample use of it.
  • All appliances, surfaces, blankets, etc. will be disinfected on a regular basis and before and after every class. Blankets, towels, etc. will be washed after every use.
  • The number of participants is limited.
  • Any kinds of workshops/classes etc. will be held with the highest hygiene standards possible, and regular and proper ventilation.
  • For workshops that require a partner, we encourage you to bring a person from your household, safe(r) Covid-19-bubble, etc. Working with someone else is something you need to decide on and do at your own risk.
  • We will constantly monitor the rules and regulations for Covid-19 and adjust our rules accordingly.
  • Please do not attend if you are feeling sick.
  • We reserve the right to carry out mandatory Covid tests for large events. In case of testing positive you cannot enter the event and we need to ask you to leave for the sake of safety for the other participants.